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Ilias Konteas

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243 articles available in total starting from 13/06/2002. Last article published on 30/05/2003.

SEE Network proposals

The 5th SEE Network conference has approved additional production projects and a new official internet site  

26/07/2002 | Organisations | Europe

Bavaria supports Cinema

The Bavarian Fund will finance 36 audio-visual projects this year to the tune of €7 millions  

26/07/2002 | Funds | Germany

Works in progress

A committee of experts will chose projects to fund, to stimulate new co-productions between the two countries  

24/07/2002 | Production | France/Germany

An atelier for 12

A seminar to help independent producers' develope their own projects will be held in December organised by ACE  

23/07/2002 | Training

Cinema under the stars

Summer for cinephiles in Vienna, with open air screenings and the debut of a German 'cult film'  

19/07/2002 | Festivals | Austria

Leni, 100 years of Cinema

From Hitler to herrings. Leni Riefenstahl celebrates her first century with a underwater documentary  

16/07/2002 | Austria

The surprise is Elsewhere

A rank outsider's travelogue, Elsewhere comes hot on SpiderMan's heels in Austria  

11/07/2002 | Box Office | Austria

Franka Runs home

Following an extensive stay in the US, Franka Potente returns home to make a German film before joining Greenaway on his new production  

11/07/2002 | Actors | Germany

Germans passionate about film

For the first time in a decade, German audiences have rediscovered the joys of going to the cinema... and seeing some great German films too  

09/07/2002 | Box Office | Germany

New Site for Thessaloniki

As a reflection of numerous transformations in recent years, the organisers of the International Film Festival of Thessaloniki presented a revamped web site to create awareness about its new...  

08/07/2002 | Festivals | Greece

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